Top 5 Most Common Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica can cause debilitating back pain and prevent you from accomplishing daily tasks. Not only that, but the condition can also become chronic when it is not treated on time. At Lally Chiropractic in Yakima, WA, we offer a variety of treatments to relieve your pain and help your body heal. Before you visit us, continue reading to learn about the top 5 most common symptoms of sciatica!

Radiating Pain

One of the main symptoms of sciatica is radiating pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. This pain typically starts in the lower back or buttock region and can extend down the back of the leg. It may vary in intensity from mild to severe and often worsens with prolonged sitting or standing. Those experiencing this type of pain should seek evaluation and care from our chiropractors.

Numbness and Tingling

Another prevalent symptom of sciatica is numbness and tingling in the affected leg or foot. This sensation, known as paresthesia, occurs due to the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Individuals may describe feelings of pins and needles or a loss of sensation in the affected area. Prompt care can help alleviate these uncomfortable sensations and promote natural healing.

Muscle Weakness

Sciatica can also lead to muscle weakness in the legs, particularly in the muscles that the affected nerve controls. As a result, individuals may find it challenging to move their legs, lift their feet, or walk properly. This weakness can affect balance and coordination, which increases the risk of falls or injuries.

Limited Mobility and Flexibility

The pain and discomfort caused by sciatica can significantly impact mobility and flexibility. Simple tasks such as bending, twisting, or lifting objects may become incredibly challenging and painful. Those with the condition may also notice stiffness or reduced range of motion in the lower back and legs. Due to this, maintaining an active lifestyle can become difficult and lead to decreased physical activity.

Worsening Symptoms with Inactivity

Sciatica symptoms can worsen with inactivity or prolonged periods of rest. Sitting for extended periods, such as during long car rides or desk work, can exacerbate pain and discomfort. Our chiropractors can recommend gentle movements and stretching exercises to help reduce stiffness and help you heal.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today!

If you're experiencing any symptoms of sciatica, our team at Lally Chiropractic in Yakima, WA, can help. We provide personalized care plans and lifestyle advice to ease your symptoms and improve your health. To schedule your consultation, contact us at (509) 248-0301 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we look forward to assisting you!


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